Banishing Hiccups: Simple Solutions That Work

Hold Your Breath


Take a deep breath and hold it for as long as you can to reset your diaphragm.

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Swallow a Spoonful of Sugar


Swallowing a spoonful of sugar can help stimulate the vagus nerve and stop hiccups.

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Drink Cold Water Slowly


Sipping cold water slowly can help calm the nerves in your diaphragm and alleviate hiccups.

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Gargle with Cold Water


Gargling with cold water can help stimulate the back of your throat and stop hiccups.

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Bite on a Lemon


Biting on a lemon or sucking on a lemon wedge can help interrupt the hiccup reflex.

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Pull Your Knees to Your Chest


Pulling your knees to your chest while sitting can help relax your diaphragm and stop hiccups.

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Try the Valsalva Maneuver


Pinch your nose shut and close your mouth while trying to exhale gently to increase pressure in your chest and stop hiccups.

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Sip on Vinegar


Sipping on a small amount of vinegar can help stimulate the nerves in your throat and stop hiccups.

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Massage Your Diaphragm


Gently massaging your diaphragm can help relax the muscle and stop hiccups.

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Distract Yourself


Sometimes, simply distracting yourself with a task or activity can help stop hiccups.

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NEXT:Mastering Nutrition Labels: Your Key to Healthier Eating!